Regalos o Experiencias — Simple & Abundante

4.6 (100) · € 13.50 · En stock

Para mi es más especial pasarla con mi esposo en un lugar maravilloso a que el me regale una joya lujosa, aparte no me gustan del todo… Él lo sabe y no me lo compraría tampoco jiji!!

Melissa Rios

Born and raised in the beautiful Costa Rica, she moved to NYC since 2004, Meli has been introduce to yoga on her late teen, but it was on her mid twenties that she start loving the practice more. She decided to learn more about the practice of yoga and completed E-RYT 200 at Yoga to the People 2012 and currently completing the first Science of Self 300/500h advance training. Since, 2012 she has been teaching yoga. In 2013 she got certified by Cosmic Kids Yoga & 2017 byChildLight Yoga, teaching kids yoga as well.

Meli’s yoga classes are fun and challenging, where she can guide the students to follow the asanas at the same time as they connect with their energy. Her classes are taught in a flow Vinyasa style, where the students can modify the asanas if need it.

Meli’s favorite yoga practice are Ashtanga, Dharma & SOS.

Meli loves sharing all her knowledge with her students and friends, yoga has change her lifestyle and she wants the same for other if need it.

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Regalos o Experiencias — Simple & Abundante

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